Spring is around the corner they say – the winter is however still playing games with us here in Roskilde, Denmark, illustrated by this picture by Inge Sandvad taken in light snowfall today late march.
Early April your host Rotary Club RSRC have arranged an evening with the local Table Tennis Club with former european single champignon player that previous also took metal in EM, WM and OL games and other highly quallified players on international level including Peter Rosenmeier who won gold in the Para Olympics 2008 and 2016 and bronze 2004 and 2012. We will on that occation honor their engagement in disability sport initiatives in our city with a donation augmented by Danish Rotary Helpfoundation worth about 2300USD.

Torben Bovien Our Club Chairman 2018-19
More relating to the coming Summercamp 2018 in Roskilde we would like to present the inner team preparing your stay – they are giving it all efforts to make it worthwhile for you :)
By the time you arrive the Rotary Wheel have turned and we have a new president officially in charge of all club activities and his name is Torben Bovien.
Our (by then) past president Frede Planck is part of the SummerCamp Team 2018 and the team looks like this

Peter Jakobsen, Team Chairman

Frede Planck

Johannes Østergaard

Jørgen Herholdt

Leif Bonde
And then of course you will meet all the rest of us assisting under their directions :)