En af forudsætningerne for at vores camp blev mulig, er de sponsorer, som enten ved kontante sponsorater eller via fordelagtige priser har hjulpet os i mål.
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Dear Adam, Alessandra, Alessio, Alex, Arythom, Bern, Bianca, Charlotte, Eugene, Ishita, Joanne, Jure, Lorenzo, Natalie, Neerja, Petra, Sarah, Sophia, Vladimir and Yagiz.
Hope you all made it home safely.
We have enjoyed having you all on visit in Roskilde under the Rotary International Short Term Youth Camp scenario. All clubmembers in Roskilde South Rotary Club wish you all the best and hope you will benefit from our little camp initiative and bring about between friends and family impressions and hopefully good memories from our little country high to the north in Europe.
I am still receiving pictures from the camp so you are welcome to check out our picture gallery every now and later and take a walk on memory lane :)
We are still active on Facebook Roskilde Camp 18 Group.
On this very last Camp Update the comments/kommentarer field is open for your comments and suggestions on experiences and how we can improve the camp setup :)
Best wishes
Roskilde South Rotary Club
On Tuesday 18th we did a small historical walk around in Roskilde city-center and during our visit to the old townhall with one of the local politicians from the leading party the press stopped by and made a little report for the newspaper “Dagbladet”. Unfortunately in danish but hope you get the idea about the engagement in the local life?
During this weekend 20 young people from around the world have arrived to Roskilde, Denmark, and after one or two days staying in the homes of local Rotarians everyone got together for the first time at Johannes & Mettes place, a countryhouse just outside Roskilde.
Now the name of the game is to get to know one and another starting with a look at a bicycle – for some perhaps for the first time actually riding such a thing. Todays trip is planned to take us to lodge in the woods that will be the home for the next 5 days.
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Look for more pictures in our PICTURE GALLERY 2018
Early summer in Denmark
Photo from Kattinge just outside Roskilde late May showing our lovely countryside with rapeseeds fields used for rapeoil production.
Foto by Kim Vegeberg
In the middle of May the Rotary Clubs of Roskilde did an information campain at the central square in Roskilde – the “Stændertorv” – with both inbound and outbound students and Rotary representatives, informing about all the exchange-possibilities within the Rotary organisation. It was a great day for all participants and the event covered in the local press Paperboy.
How is the weather like in Roskilde when we visit Denmark ?
Well that is a very good question :) and hard to predict but largely you will experience daytime temperatures ranging 18-25dg C, you will have sunny days, see cloudy days and experience rain.
July brings with it the warmest weather of the year. Rainfall may drive visitors indoors for a short amount of time. As a result, it is important to bring some raingear in order to stay dry while out exploring the city and the area. Overall, however, the rain is generally short-lived and won’t ruin an entire day’s activities.
There are many different weather forecast stations, trust them or take it with a bit of uncertainty :) one of them is accuweather.com
You will experince bright mornings and long evenings as we have sunrise around 04:45 and sunset around 21:45 in July.
Dear all participants in Roskilde Camp 2018 – Spring has arrived ?
Photo by Michael Bülck
Peter had an mail correspondence with Charlotte from France, who was curious about the other participants, He suggested that each of you could make a little presentation of yourself, so that you know a little bit about each other before you meet I Roskilde in July.
Not a CV or an essay, just a few words to help give the camp a great start. To take part you can use the Camp closed group on Facebook (Peter will open for your access if you are related to the Roskilde Camp 2018 – for your eyes only):
Spring is around the corner they say – the winter is however still playing games with us here in Roskilde, Denmark, illustrated by this picture by Inge Sandvad taken in light snowfall today late march.
Early April your host Rotary Club RSRC have arranged an evening with the local Table Tennis Club with former european single champignon player that previous also took metal in EM, WM and OL games and other highly quallified players on international level including Peter Rosenmeier who won gold in the Para Olympics 2008 and 2016 and bronze 2004 and 2012. We will on that occation honor their engagement in disability sport initiatives in our city with a donation augmented by Danish Rotary Helpfoundation worth about 2300USD.

Torben Bovien Our Club Chairman 2018-19
More relating to the coming Summercamp 2018 in Roskilde we would like to present the inner team preparing your stay – they are giving it all efforts to make it worthwhile for you :)
By the time you arrive the Rotary Wheel have turned and we have a new president officially in charge of all club activities and his name is Torben Bovien.
Our (by then) past president Frede Planck is part of the SummerCamp Team 2018 and the team looks like this

Peter Jakobsen, Team Chairman

Frede Planck

Johannes Østergaard

Jørgen Herholdt

Leif Bonde
And then of course you will meet all the rest of us assisting under their directions :)

The team behind Roskilde Rotary Youth Exchange – Short Term – Summer Camp 2018 is happy to announce the camp as of now is fully booked. FANTASTIC :-)
Thank you all for your quick applications that now allows us to finalize and refine the program and all practical arrangements. We are all exited and can promise you we will do all we can to give you a fantastic experience visiting Denmark and our city Roskilde.
The list of participants represent countries like Australia, Croatia, Czech republic, France, India, Italy, Romania, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey and USA .
We are fully booked by now but will keep the backdoor open a few more days and are opening a waitinglist but cannot however promise participation after today, sorry.
The Roskilde Rotary Youth Exchange – Short Term – Summer Camp 2018 is now entering the final phase of the application ralley way ahead of our plans – we are simply receiving more early bookings as expected and can now add participants from another two countries to the list as young people from India and Romania have joined over the last few days.
Today the list of participants show as different countries as Croatia, Czech republic, France, India, Italy, Romania, Russia, Taiwan and Turkey – Just about fully booked.
Here is the invitation.
Here a few days into the New Year 2018 we are passing the milestone being halfway in the application ralley and pleased to see applications from as different countries as Croatia, Czech republic, France, Italy, Russia, Taiwan and Turkey, but again, “only” halfway, so still room and hope for many more young people from different countries around the world. Here is the invitation.
See you all in Roskilde this summer :-)
Seasons Greatings from the staff behind Roskilde Summer Camp 2018
Rotary launched the invitation on December 22nd and already today, two days later, we have received the first 5 applications – we cannot ask for a better startup.
Happy to announce the Tentative Camp Program for our Rotary Youth Exchange Short-Term Camp in Roskilde July 8th is now published.
Experience Denmark – travel through history
from July 8th to July the 21st plus the two adjoining weekends with family stay.
7.-8. July – arrival weekend with family stay
9.- 20. July – camp period with events
21.-22. July – departure weekend with family stay
Open for a total of 20 boys and girls, preferably equally number each, in the age of 16 to 18 years old – all English speaking.